The End of White Majority in America

The New York Times reports today that white people in the United States will be a racial minority in about 30 years. Isn’t that interesting.

The spiritual descendants of Adolph Hitler will not be pleased. Can someone like Hitler even be said to have “spiritual” descendants? Let’s just say that right-wing fascist, white-supremacy folks will not like this news.

For them, the white race is the godly race. If God had skin, they say, it would be white. Of course, other racial groups beg to differ. God is black in Harlem and yellow in Chinatown.

It appears, when you look at the theological kaleidoscope, that God is like the biblical Joseph with his coat “of many colors.” He is what people want him to be, and always has been. But He hasn’t been a racial minority as a “white man” in the United States for centuries.

White people were a minority in America before there even was an America. When Columbus and his band of thieves and rapists landed in North America back in the 15th Century, they were the only white people around. The same with Leif Ericsson who discovered a different part of North America — around what we call Nova Scotia — 500 years before Columbus.

And then when the English Puritans landed in America in the 17th Century, they too were the only whites on the continent.

Of course, Columbus and Ericsson didn’t really “discover” America. The people already living here — what we today call “Native Americans” — had discovered the land they were living on a few thousand years before those white guys showed up. But they don’t count, because they weren’t white.

That’s the thing about white people. We always think we’re the first in everything. As if nothing really important happened before we showed up to claim it. And so throughout history, we have tended to beat the crap out of people who were already living where we wanted to be.

We did it here in America. We did it in Africa — all those European colonies. We did it in parts of China and India. We have been throwing our white power around and terrorizing the natives ever since we could build big ships that could sail across large oceans.

Today’s Native Americans — our “Indians” — are still suffering from the white man’s abuse. And apartheid so crippled Africa for so long that the continent is still reeling.

The white man’s legacy has mainly helped other white people, but not so much people of other colors. We white people in America have ruled the roost ever since we stole the roost from the Indians.

But now, the worm is turning. Sometime within the next three decades, reports the Times, white people in America will just be one more minority.

I won’t be here to see it. I don’t have 30 years left on my ticket. But some of you will be around. I wonder what the change will do to your self-image.

For the first time in more than a century, the Times reports, more white people have died recently than been born. It wasn’t a big difference, only about 12,000. And those numbers were supplemented by the many more white people who immigrated to the United States.

But experts who study census data say that this is a significant shift in racial patterns, and that in the lifetime of some of you, the discrepancy between white births and white deaths will propel the white race in America into minority status.

The majority of births in America today are to Hispanic, black, and Asian mothers. White mothers are a distant fourth. At this rate, those three minorities will nudge white people into their own minority ranking.

It will come as a shock to older white people. I can imagine there will be violent outbursts here and there among white “patriots.”

How can America not be the white man’s paradise? It must have been Obama’s fault ! They always knew he was a Commie Outsider. And this just proves it. Just ask the Tea Party.

Will the change make much difference? Yes, I think it will. America will look different than it does today. It will present a different image to the rest of the world. (Minorities are also slowing taking over the racial makeup of Europe, too.)

More and more intermarriages will lead to more and more blended colors in children. The language will sound different — a mix of different ethnic vocabularies. More and more power will shift from white hands to Hispanic and black and Asian hands. There will be no more “white advantage” in employment or housing or education.

The only ones who will continue to be screwed will be Native Americans, who have no power base to begin with. They are the perpetual odd-man-out. They were here first and will forever be counted last. It’s one of history meanest tricks. We should all be ashamed, especially we white people. Like slavery, our treatment of our Indians is a poison that has infected our very identity.

But soon that identity will undergo a radical shift. We white people won’t be top dog anymore. And everything we thought we were and thought we would always be will have to be revised.

There will always be a struggle for power, of course. Only now, that struggle will involve a more volatile mix of colors and races. Assumptions will change. Retaliation for past abuses will be acted on. Alliances will shift. Ideologies will fracture. Extremisms will fester. Pockets of resistance will hunker down. Violence will permeate society.

In other words, things will remain pretty much the way they are today.

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4 Comments on “The End of White Majority in America”

  1. David Says:

    I had a similar conversation about twenty years ago with an African American friend. We both agreed that the browning of America would be a good thing.

    • Vanessa Galligan Says:

      But back 20 years ago, it was easier for a white person to “contemplate” such a browning. It seemed more abstract, didn’t it, more theoretical? With today’s news, that browning seems inevitable, and on a much shorter time line. Not that it should change your or your friend’s opinion. But I wonder what he thinks of today’s news, and if he’s feeling a little more . . . confident, more self-assured.

  2. Ingrid Says:

    I like how you put this into words.

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